+61 (0) 3 9495 1122 sales@securityedge.com.au

Residential Security Solutions

Give your home security an edge?

Protect your home and your loved ones with a Security Edge restricted master key system. Our independently tested and rated locks are resistant to bumping, picking, and drilling.

Keeping track of the different keys for the different doors of your property can be annoying and difficult to manage. A master key system allows you to have just one key that will work on all of the locks of your home.

Why a restricted master key system?

Restricted master key systems have a registered design. This means that only the locksmith you have chosen to keep your property secure is able to create and duplicate the keys with your unique and individual profile. Security Edge keys have a registered design until 2034. Protecting you not just today but for years to come.

Independently Tested and Rated

NATA | National Association of Testing AuthoritiesSecurity Edge products were independently tested and rated by NATA. World recognised accreditation, AS 4145.2

  • Resistance to picking – SC8
  • Resistance to impression – SC8
  • Resistance to bumping – SC8
  • Resistance to drilling – SC8
  • Resistance of plug to pull force – SC5
  • Resistance of plug to torque – SC7
  • Cylinder durability – D8 (114286 cycles)
  • Key Strength – SC8


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