How secure is your letterbox?
In recent times, letterbox theft has been on the rise and with it the discussion on letterbox security. The main reason for someone robbing your mail is with the intent to commit indentity fraud. Having your letters stolen is one thing, having your identity stolen is another. This can all cause a lot of headaches for a long time.
Have you considered placing a lock on your mailbox? This will help keep your deliverables safe from prying eyes.
Apartment buildings and clusters of mailboxes appear to be popular targets for mail thieves. These locations provide them with multiple victims in one accessible location. The Security Edge letterbox lock is one way to help protect your letterbox. Just like all of our other locks, the letterbox lock is a high security product and can work as part of a master key system.
- Install a lock onto your existing mailbox
- Check and empty your mailbox regularly
- Hold your mail at the post office or have a friend collect it when you are away for an extended period of time
- Dispose of unwanted mail sensibly and shred sensitive documents which contain personal details
- Have a mailbox large enough to handle your deliveries or consider arranging a PO Box
If you are concerned about your letterbox security please contact one of our trusted and professional dealers. They will be able to discuss and provide you with the best solution for your mail.